06) Hamalert integration

Hamalert integration #

If you like to provide your users with current data about Frequency and Mode you are on inside of our QRZ integration, you can do so via Hamalert.

Setup #

Step 1: Create Account #

Create a free account with Hamalert.

Step 2: Create Trigger #

Create a trigger for your event callsigns. You can use the full possibilities of filters in hamalert if you like.

For this integration, the Action of “URL” must be checked.

Trigger Creation

Step 3: Setup Destination #

Configure your URL destination. Scroll down to “URL notifications” and enter https://your.coordinatorr.site/hamalertreceiver. Of course, replace the dummy with your URL, but leave “hamalertreceiver” intact!

Also, be sure to select POST (JSON).

Destination Setup


Step 4: Test your setup #

Done! Your Coordinatorr-Instance will now receive those Hamalert spots and display them via QRZ integration and on the dashboard.

You can test this by starting a current activation and then use the “Simulate” page of hamalert to push out a hamalert notification to coordinatorr.

Step 5(?): But I already have a URL destination… #

If you already use another URL destination for your hamalert, you might want to have a look at another small DB4SCW project, the hamalert spotproxy.

You can find the project on Github.

This little project takes your hamalert spots and depending on a customizable ruleset proxies them to how many other URL endpoints as you like.