12) Teleporter and siteadmin options

Teleporter and siteadmin options #

If you have siteadmin permissions in hamawardz, if you go to your profile using the top navbar, you see a few extra options on that page:

Additional Admin Options

Fix DXCCs #

Triggers the FixDXCC API manually. Reasons behind this and alternative accessibility options are described in this part of the documentation.

Run QSO Pull APIs #

Run all QSO Pull APIs manually. Pull APIs are described in this part of the documentation.

Teleporter #

The teleporter is a collection of functions that allow you to switch from one instance of hamawardz to another one seamlessly.

These are the options available:

Dump all uploads as ADIF #

This button downloads a zip file of all manually uploaded or (via API) pulled ADIF files.

Teleport out #

This button downloads a zip file, containing:

  • your .env file (where you set some config stuff while installing)
  • the image subdirectory containing all the award backgrounds you uploaded
  • the complete content of your database as database_content.json

Teleport in #

If you select your previously downloaded database_content.json from another instance, this will completely wipe your local database and import all the data from the file. This is including users and encrypted passwords.

If you restore your .env file from the zip file to the new instance, even if you switched database engines, hamawardz should be 100% up and running again.

Restore images #

Select all the image files from the images subdirectory and upload.

IMPORTANT! This will erase your current image directory and replace it with the previously exported pictures.